Medical Holograms Telemedicine via Telepresence Meet Jor-El Healthflix Conversational AI Teaching Assistant Avatars

Using Medical Holograms for Healthcare Education

Healthcare Education

Dr. Hologram offers universities and other educational organizations the opportunity to adopt holoportation technologies coupled with a suite of custom curriculum and assessment modules that you can select or request that will both innovate and transform the learning experience for your students.

The program enables learners to engage in an interactive, immersive narrative grounded in subject matter, standardized patient experiences, and virtual reality healthcare assessments.

Multi-Modal implementation options include:

  • 1: 1
  • Group learning mode
  • Team-based care
  • Interprofessional Education and Practice (IPE / P) experiences

All Doctor Hologram virtual clinical simulations and guest speakers can be played simultaneously on an unlimited number of Dr. Hologram devices and locations for amazing broadcasting opportunities with holoportation. They can be recorded and played again at any time..

Modernization applications include but are not limited to:

  • Lifelike virtual patient simulations with optional AI healthcare
  • Standardized patient experiences
  • Storytelling of lived experiences
  • Guest lectures (audience at remote locations)
  • Jor-EL (simulation via conversational Telemedicine AI)

We collaborate with you on all steps of customization to make it easy to bring our telehealth tools to your institution. Doing so will immediately bring excitement and a buzz to your program like no other. It will readily elevate the quality of your program resulting in enhanced educational outcomes, increased enrollment, and retention while leveraging medical virtual simulation technology to drive a competitive advantage for your institution.

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Telemedicine via Telepresence - Medical Holograms in Patient Care

Telemedicine via TelepresenceDr. Hologram can immediately modernize and advance providers' ability to deliver telepresence healthcare in a holographic environment, transforming and advancing efficiencies, accessibility, and patient outcomes that can be scaled worldwide.

Utilization can include but not limited to:

  • 2-way interactive experience with real patients residing anywhere
  • Clinical care with physician or health care provider
  • Beyond Telehealth, lifelike and interactive personal 'touch' that patients need
  • Health care consultation and delivery of novel services
  • Patient / caregiver education to improve patient compliance and treatment outcomes
  • Rural health (increase accessibility affordability)

All telepresence appearances and healthcare simulations on Dr. Hologram can stream to one destination or to an unlimited number of locations anywhere in the world.

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Meet Jor-El

Meet Jor-El

Jor-El is an on-demand mobile AI healthcare assistant that's designed to stream (audio or video) an array of educational information in response to voice-recognized user-initiated questions.

On-demand content can include patient education (pre-op and post-op) and homecare to an array of FAQs that are conveniently played to the user's mobile device. This program also helps to alleviate the burdensome tasks often put on patients and caregivers needing timely info by reducing or eliminating the need to search online for answers, combing through booklets, and so on.

Jor-El is available 24/7 and enables the patient or caregiver to ask questions pertinent to their care. The results can include improved compliance, consistency, improved clinical and functional outcomes, greater patient services, and possibly a reduction in readmissions due to increased clarity of communication. Jor-El is akin to Alexa, Siri, and other personal assistants while being programmed with the most essential content that elevates and extends your office to their home. This improves communications with all stakeholders without the added administrative expense.

Jor-El is one of our must-have telemedicine tools for any healthcare provider or institution.

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Healthflix - The First Medical Hologram Library

HealthflixAs the first of its kind, Healthflix aims to be the largest interactive library of healthcare education holograms, and it will be accessible on all Dr. Hologram platforms! Healthflix will feature programming ranging from medical experts, instructors, simulations, standardized patients, and caregivers to FAQs on medications, and more.  

In addition, Healthflix will be accessible 24/7 on Dr. Hologram’s healthcare assistant platform called Jor-El.  Users can interact with Healthflix by selecting pre-determined questions, typing in a keyword or simply asking through our AI system to get the info they want, when they want it.

Choose from a suite of available titles, or partner with Dr. Hologram to customize content for your unique purposes with virtually no limit to your imagination. Healthflix is an invaluable asset for any healthcare provider or institution utilizing Dr. Hologram’s innovative technologies for the benefit of students, patients, and the communities where they serve.  

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Conversational AI Teaching Assistant Avatars
a.  Introducing Dr. Hologram "On the Go" for Courses

Higher education can now further modernize and provide more tools to students wanting on demand 24/7 help with information and answers to questions on virtually any course subject matter. It acts as an extension of the faculty and enables students' greater access to information when they want it. 

Demo Coming Soon!

Check out this demo and contact us to learn how we can customize these "On the go" Dr. Hologram tools for your college in virtually an unlimited number of courses and languages.

b.  Introducing Your School "On the Go" Avatar benefit program for Everything Campus Life

In addition to upgrading curriculum, Dr. Hologram can bundle other resources into its student Your School Name "On the Go" on demand 24/7 Avatar Assistant for virtually anything.  Gone are the old Resources include their custom Avatar Student Assistant for everything campus life plus info on financial aid, programs, health and much more.  

Demo Coming Soon!

Check out this demo and contact us to learn how we can customize these "On the Go" student benefit tools covering everything campus life and more. 

c.  Online Avatar for College Websites:

Introducing Dr. Hologram's website Avatar that's designed to modernize and transform how your college engages and interacts with both students and faculty.  By being the Colleges website ambassador, Dr. Holograms' Avatars are designed to turbocharge your websites and make then come alive with on demand conversational AI as a consultant to potential students and parents alike wanting a more rich and immersive website experiences.  In addition to making, it easier for personalize the UX, reports are always provided detailing the number of interactions and questions asked enabling the school to better serve its target audiences. 

This can be extended to college athletics, philanthropy and other areas that blend personalization with automation helping to make the college operate more efficiently with am measurable ROI. 

View Demo

Check out this demo and contact us to learn how we can elevate the quality of your website by improving ever experience because every interaction matters.  


d.  Meet the Faculty - Dr. Hologram's Interactive Video of Faculty and Course Showcase

Imagine students and parents having an opportunity to interview the faculty and learn more about them and their courses.  Imagine enabling the faculty to showcase all they have to offer beyond a few lines in a course directory.  All in sides and the college have big investments and stake holders in the process.  and with more choices than ever and less face to face, Dr. Holograms interactive video simulates that type of personal conversation bridging the gap on the impersonal and bringing back the personal. 

Demo Coming Soon!

Dr. Hologram can make the program available to all faculty to produce evergreen content that can now sit on the college website or next to each of your courses.  When there is interest in a course, now students can take a deep dive into it with the instructor to ensure the course, and learning objectives are aligned.